


Besides that it is the only one to produce honey, the honeybee is a fabulous example to dive into the big world of Nature.

There appeared 100 million years ago, when the landscapes began to be filled with plants flowers, rich in nectar and pollen, today bees are in total harmony with the flowers.


They both have their own way to get what they want, which is similar: to perpetuate the species.
In exchange for some nectar and pollen, the bees have a crucial ecological role in life on earth: the pollination of plants.

It is in this light that we want to introduce the great history of the guardian of biodiversity. She joins and strengthens thereby Natur'Ailes other activities, which are organic gardening and edible plants.

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-- Association Natur'ailes - 21 Place de l'église - 52400 VARENNES/AMANCE - Siret : 51241151300025 - NAF : 9499Z --