

Lack of motivation, time, money, know how... many are the arguments that lead us to eat industrial products or cook always the same things throughout the year.
Yet everyone knows the evils of junk food on human health, and basically all of us still yearn to vary their diet, if only to brighten up the ordinary.

At Natur'ailes, we just want to show you that you can totally eat better while using more natural products. It is neither difficult, nor expensive.
You just need to be able to recognize some edible plants, or rediscover some forgotten vegetables and learn to cook them to make some quick and easy recipes.


It’s a fun game where Mother Nature provides us with a wealth of taste treasures and health benefits.

In addition, it saves a lot of money, and it even reconciles us with the seasons and our environment.
Even better, it allows us to become lucid actors on our own feeding, away from the general and senseless overuse they're trying to sell us with tons of advertisement ...

So this is the menu of Natur'ailes kitchen activities! Of course we find back a taste which is reminiscent of the other activities of the association, as organic gardening and the world of bees.

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-- Association Natur'ailes - 21 Place de l'église - 52400 VARENNES/AMANCE - Siret : 51241151300025 - NAF : 9499Z --